Young Artists, Veteran Artists & Formative Artists: Challenges and Solutions.
Aug 28, 2024
This was an impromptu blurb where I shared some thoughts on the challenges artists face at different career stages.
I talk about the need for self-reflection and alignment, its connection to the personal journey of an artist, and how most of us underestimate the two most fundamental resources as independent artists.
(Edited and embellished).
The clients and students I work with can broadly be categorized into:
- The younger 'newcomers'. Usually, folks just done with college or those who got a break, went viral and don't know where to go from there.
- The 'veteran' artists dealing with a sense of jadedness, struggling to keep the sense of inspiration alive.
- The ones in between, who I refer to as 'formative' artists.
Younger Artists (The 'Newcomer')
With the younger artists, they're usually lost because they don't have access to a trustworthy source of information. The kind that will guide them beyond the obvious need to gather the skills needed to get good at their art.
Once that part of the equation is something they've already ticked off (usually, that's how they got noticed in the first place), they're at a loss on how to:
- Monetize it.
- Build their brand.
- Build relationships with their audiences and collaborators.
- And (most importantly), understanding what building a sustainable career even means.
Experienced Artists (The 'Veteran')
With some of the more experienced veteran musicians or work with. It is astonishing to see how easy it can be, for artists to fall prey to our 'blind spots'.
Here's the thing: when we keep doing something long enough, it is extremely difficult to remember how far we've come!
It's not always easy to remember every struggle, every epiphany, every victory despite obstacles, during the journey.
Veteran artists, (and I'm talking about people who've been doing it for 20 to 30 years) are often just exhausted. If you're a full-time musician for over a decade, you will feel the toll it takes on you.
The life of a professional musician while incredibly fulfilling, is LOTS of work. The behind-the-scenes are exponentially more than what the highlights show. To the point where we ourselves, tend to forget that.
And that is when we need as much support as the 20-something who's just started off with their career.
Note: They're two different brands of exhaustion though.
One is overwhelmed with not knowing where to start ('newcomer').
The other has already come an enormously long way, but can't seem to realize that ('veteran').
Rising Artists (The Emerging Artist)
With the ones in the middle, (emerging/rising artists) usually we'll be fine-tuning during our coaching sessions. Checking in to monitor where they are, and make sure that the alignment between the inner work and the outer work is in order.
And usually there will be a quite few aspects that need to be readjusted. Recalibrated. Aspects that go on to make an enormous difference in their careers in the long run.
Where do we start?
It's always about the first step! (My clients will tell you how I keep banging on about this relentlessly).
And that first step, funnily enough, is always the same.
It's an internal check-in. Rewinding. Having a good look inside.
Where are we?
Where do we want to go?
The journey is something we do on our own, one way or the other, and either way, I think if one is dedicated enough, we'll figure it out.
How does Mentorship help?
Coaching, and mentorship, just makes the process more enjoyable.
So what we're saving on is time and energy.
Which at the end of the day are the two most valuable currencies you can possibly have.
Time and energy are limited!
Here's a thing that doesn't get talked about enough:
Time and energy are limited!
Everything else, (resources, finances, possibilities, opportunities), technically could be infinite. And if you're anything like I was, I know you are having a hard time wrapping your head around that one right now.
But the truth is, there is an (infinite) pool of opportunities out there which we (technically anyways), have access to!
But most of us are under so much pressure with time and energy; that we are in no condition to go explore these.
The post discusses
- The challenges faced by artists at different stages of their career.
- The importance of mentorship
- The need for self-reflection and alignment.
- The personal journey of an artist
- The balance between abundant opportunities and time-energy constraints.
Topics Discussed
We discuss the challenges faced by artists at various stages of their careers, highlighting the following:
- The struggles of younger artists who lack guidance and mentorship.
- The exhaustion experienced by veteran artists who have been in the industry for decades.
- The emerging artist who need recalibrating to stay on track.
- I emphasize the importance of support and mentorship for artists at all stages of their careers.
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